Thursday, May 8, 2014

Looking For Alaska - May 6, 2014

Prompt: How did the reading make you feel?
Pages read: 75 - 147

This book has been playing with my emotions. John Green knows exactly how much drama, or sadness, or excitement in a book, and Looking For Alaska has been one of the most amazing books I have ever read. But now. Oh god. I have literally cried and laughed in the past pages I have read this week. I'm gonna give a very vague, kind of spoiler; one of the main character dies. This was one of the most surprising events that happened in the book because there really wasn't any foreshadow for that person to die. It was so sudden and then, John Green had to explain in full details all the effects and how it affected her best friends. I think that, that was the most emotional part for me, because it really shows friendship and just, I could actually feel the depression and I could actually picture the characters crying.

So far, I honestly have emotions all over the place. I'm annoyed because Miles had to go and hook  up with another girl named Lara, and they barley even talk!! I just. I couldn't deal with it, because he knew that he was in love with Alaska. I feel like this part was made to show regret. I feel like this part in the book was made for Miles to then regret not taking the chance that he had.

Finally, a part that really got me emotional was when all four of the best friends; Pudge, Alaska, The Colonel, and Takumi were in the Smoking Hole, which was a place in the wood where they picked was the safest to smoke and not get caught. Well, they were all together, and they were just talking about the most random things and they were explaining themselves and Alaska says, "What you must understand about me Pudge, is that I am a deeply unhappy person." I feel like at that point, it kind of showed the reader a different side to the always perky and happy person that is Alaska Young. I think that at this point, you see Alaska opening up to a terrible, terrible past.


  1. I agree with you on everything you have said. Why does John Green have to kill all his characters? I remember when I was reading that book, I had such an interesting adventure because I was sinked into the book with many emotions. My favorite part was when the gang did the prank. Takumi was my favorite character because he was the "Fox." I also liked how you said that nothing in the book foreshadows death. I have never thought about it, but yes nothing foreshadows the main character's death. Great job analyzing the book!

  2. I commented on Sarai, Julia, and Amelia's blogs.

  3. I really love in this blog post how you deeply describe how each event make you feel and how you start of the post by saying "This book has been playing with my emotions.

  4. I really love how you show the message John was trying to convey to you when Lies hooked up with Lara. Sometimes the reader doesn't really think about the message and just keeps on reading the book, which is fine, but it's really cool that you took that extra step. I can totally understand how you can be emotional over the death of a character! In The Book Thief, some people died and I had taken awhile to read the book and had been attached to the characters for awhile and when someone died I was sobbing! Alaska seems to be one of the best characters that John has created just by your writing and I can't wait till I read this book! Great blog!
