Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tuesdays With Morrie - Week of 04/20/15

// What are your initial reaction to what you have read in Tuesdays With Morrie thus far? What is on your Bucketlist? //

    When I first heard started reading Tuesdays With Morrie, I thought it was kind of weird, to say the least. Mitch described his professor in, what I saw, an unprofessional way; like how "Kissing him goodbye earned you extra credit." Now, even though we aren't too far into the book, I can see that it was just part of Morrie's bubbly and welcoming personality. Now, I absolutely love this book, because, in a basic way, it is truly beautiful and it is relatable to everyone. 
    One of the main themes that is unraveling in the book is not to take life for granted, and I think that Morrie is a quintessential model for this. Morrie is slowly dying and he knows it, but instead of letting it not only take over his physical body, he makes sure that it doesn't take over his mind and beliefs. Personally, now that it is the end of the year and we are all moving on to a huge, new chapter of our lives, my mind is racing about all of the different things I want to do before I die. I wrote a bucket list when I was in the fifth grade and it is absolutely embarrassing because I had written stuff like, "Eat three bags of popcorn in one sitting." So here is my new, and not so embarrassing bucket list (I tried to organize them, in groups of similar topics, but they are all over the place, sorry);

- Go on the set of Teen Wolf and be an extra
- Be a tour hand for Halsey
- Work a camera (be a camerawoman) for the Jimmy Fallon show
- Write a well-versed song
- Learn how to play the guitar
- Go to at least two concerts every year for the rest of my life

- Host a wine party
- Go camping in my backyard 
- Go on a no budget shopping spree
- Go on a hot air ballon 
- Make spaghetti tacos (and watch iCarly while eating them)
- Do a Color Run
- Build a treehouse 
- Have a meaningful conversation with a stranger while waiting in line at Starbucks 

- Graduate high school
- Major in forensic psychology in college
- Speak four languages, fluently
- Have my own bookstore 
- Write a book and have it published 

1 comment:

  1. Have you accomplished anything on your Bucket List yet? I love it:)
